

NYC-based actor, singer, & dancer


a little about me

I’m Annie: a born-and-raised Californian currently living in Brooklyn.

I'm a professional performing artist (Sagittarius sun), an enthusiastic amateur baker (Taurus moon), and a recovering perfectionist (Virgo rising). Follow me to keep track of all my projects and adventures. Who knows, if you get on my good side I might make you a birthday pie!

look ma! I’m in the newspaper!

“Hunt is a charmer with a keen sense of comic timing and a warm voice. . .”

The Mercury News

“With a sweet, strong voice, exuberant Annie Hunt (Sophie) does well with all her numbers, but slays with “The Name of the Game.”

Aisle Seat


Is yellow your favorite color?

Yes! How did you guess??

Is Annie short for anything?

No. It’s long for Anne with an e.

Annie, are you okay? Are you okay Annie?

Very funny

What part of CA are you from?

Bay Area, baby!

Who took these amazing pictures?

A swell guy named Brian Ray Norris

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